Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week Two: Enhancing Our View


Who is God? Sometimes we make up our own version, a version that is off the mark. What, you ask, is the big deal? So what if my concept of God is a little off? Who can know God fully anyway?
We fail to understand that our comprehension of God will determine how we relate to Him and how He relates to us. God, in the Old Testament, forbad images of Himself to be used in worship because they cannot possibly paint a clear and accurate picture of Him in all His majesty. Instead of helping us to know God, the image clouds our vision of the true God. Jesus, in John 4:23-24, insisted that the true worshippers worship God in spirit and truth. While truth here touches on our approach to God in sincerity, it deals primarily with our concept of who God is. If our concept of God is erroneous, we are not actually worshipping the One, True God. We’re worshipping an idol, made by our own imagination.
If we are seeking to draw close to God, we must make sure that it really is the God we lay claim to. We have established one concrete fact thus far that will help us in our pursuit of God, which is that He is holy. We will take determined steps in this direction to help us embrace the One with whom we have to do. Our vision of Him will prepare the ground of our hearts for the presence and voice of the One whose thoughts and ways are higher, much higher than our own.
Isaiah was brought to his knees when he was allowed to see the High and Lofty One. After he was cleansed and strengthened, he offered himself to God without conditions. “Here I am, send me” is what the vision of God wrought in Isaiah, and it will accomplish the same in us. As we see Him, we will understand what He wants, and realize that by His grace, He is able to fulfill the commission He gives us.

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